Gambia Horticultural Enterprises (GHE) is a multi-purpose agri-business company engaged in the whole horticultural value chain. It is a family business established with the overall goal of
commercializing the horticultural sub sector in The Gambia.
It comprises of 5 major centres namely:

GHE has over 25 years’ experience in growing and export marketing of fresh horticultural produce especially mangoes to Europe. The GHE Proprietor and MD is one of the pioneers of the fresh vegetables and fruits export from The Gambia to Europe especially UK when he was General Manager, Citroproducts (Gambia) Limited. Also a founding member of the Association of Gambian Horticultural Producers and Exporters (GAMHOPE) he is currently the President of the Association. GHE is now the biggest Horticultural Company in The Gambia operating as Input Supplier, Producer, Processor, Wholesaler, Retailer, Export Marketing and Services Provider. The Company is the largest distributor of vegetable seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, farm/garden tools and equipment, farm machinery and agro-food processing machinery and equipment. As one of the key players in cashew production and processing, the Proprietor is also the President of the Cashew Alliance of The Gambia (CAG).

GHE investment and business model is to establish a viable horticultural business in the vegetables, fruits and nuts value chain to enhance profitability, growth and competitiveness as well as the rapid development of the sector in the Gambia through collaboration with out-growers, farmers, processors, Government, Donors, research institutions, universities, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the private sector.